Thu 18.04.2024 19:00 o'clock until 21:00 o'clock, Köln, Lothar Berger, Henning von Vangerow

Energetisierende Rhythmen einmal im Monat

fortlaufender Abendkurs Donnerstagabends einmal im Monat zum Auftanken mit energetisierenden Rhythmen.
Time Thu 18.04.2024 19:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr
Location O_ton_Saal, Kyllstraße 7A, 50678 Köln, DE
ManagementLothar Berger
Additional organizer(s)Henning von Vangerow
Conditions / Prices

Termine: Do, 18. April, Do, 23. Mai, Do, 27. Juni jeweils 19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr

Kurskosten: 25,– € pro Abend

Leitung: Lothar Berger und Henning von Vangerow



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Book TaKeTiNa Workshop

Do you want to book a TaKeTiNa workshop for an existing group, for a specific topic or purpose or for a special group of participants?

Do you need a TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teacher with a special training or specific experience?

Please contact us for these or other questions. Just click here.

"I still feel carried by these peaceful, quiet and yet chaotic days. I still have a smile today and I feel satisfied. ... the TaKeTiNa weekend was a completely new experience for me in dealing with rhythm as well as experiencing my voice."