Thu 29.09.2022 18:45 o'clock until 20:45 o'clock, Berlin, Helmut Erler

TaKeTiNa - September in Berlin

Donnerstags Abends 5 x 2 Studen in Berlin.

Wöchentlichen 5er Block und zum Herbstbeginn stehen innere Wahrnehmung und Visualisierung im Fokus.

Schnuppertermin: 01.09., danach 4 Folgetermine.


Begleitend gibt es auch einen TaKeTiNa Wochenendkurs in der VHS Schöneberg - ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen - bitte separat buchen hier:


TaKeTiNa ist eine der effektivsten Lernmethoden unserer Zeit. Es wird weltweit in Musik, Pädagogik, Therapie, Meditation und zur persönlichen Entwicklung eingesetzt.

Helmut Erler is a sound designer, musician and rhythm therapist dedicated to work with sound and body.

A master of cutting vinyl records for more than 20 years for hundreds of internationally successful musicians, DJs and record-labels, he tuned and sculptured the world wide renowned Berlin sound of electronic music. A teacher of sound perception and audio-engineering, worked for radio, television and theatre performances, released 6 albums and toured all around Europe.

2015 - 2018 he pioneered the worldwide first TaKeTiNa Rhythm-Therapy training. 2021-2022 TaKeTiNa Advanced Teacher Training. He is now a sound-therapist in psychosomatic clinics and leads regular groups and workshops in Berlin and Europe.

Time Thu 29.09.2022 18:45 Uhr bis 20:45 Uhr
Location Zentrum für Bewegung & Kommunikation, Weichselstr. 34, 12045 Berlin, DE
ManagementHelmut Erler
Conditions / Prices

gesamter Block (5 Termine @ 2 Stunden): 60 € erm. / 70 € normal / 80 € support


Anmeldung bitte per email:


Book TaKeTiNa Workshop

Do you want to book a TaKeTiNa workshop for an existing group, for a specific topic or purpose or for a special group of participants?

Do you need a TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teacher with a special training or specific experience?

Please contact us for these or other questions. Just click here.

"I found the exercises very relaxing - it was a lot of fun."