Thu 29.09.2022 18:45 o'clock until 20:45 o'clock, Berlin, Helmut Erler

TaKeTiNa - September in Berlin

Donnerstags Abends 5 x 2 Studen in Berlin.

Wöchentlichen 5er Block und zum Herbstbeginn stehen innere Wahrnehmung und Visualisierung im Fokus.

Schnuppertermin: 01.09., danach 4 Folgetermine.


Begleitend gibt es auch einen TaKeTiNa Wochenendkurs in der VHS Schöneberg - ist nicht im Preis inbegriffen - bitte separat buchen hier:


TaKeTiNa ist eine der effektivsten Lernmethoden unserer Zeit. Es wird weltweit in Musik, Pädagogik, Therapie, Meditation und zur persönlichen Entwicklung eingesetzt.

Helmut Erler is a sound designer, musician and rhythm therapist dedicated to work with sound and body.

A master of cutting vinyl records for more than 20 years for hundreds of internationally successful musicians, DJs and record-labels, he tuned and sculptured the world wide renowned Berlin sound of electronic music. A teacher of sound perception and audio-engineering, worked for radio, television and theatre performances, released 6 albums and toured all around Europe.

2015 - 2018 he pioneered the worldwide first TaKeTiNa Rhythm-Therapy training. 2021-2022 TaKeTiNa Advanced Teacher Training. He is now a sound-therapist in psychosomatic clinics and leads regular groups and workshops in Berlin and Europe.

Time Thu 29.09.2022 18:45 Uhr bis 20:45 Uhr
Location Zentrum für Bewegung & Kommunikation, Weichselstr. 34, 12045 Berlin, DE
ManagementHelmut Erler
Conditions / Prices

gesamter Block (5 Termine @ 2 Stunden): 60 € erm. / 70 € normal / 80 € support


Anmeldung bitte per email:


Book TaKeTiNa Workshop

Do you want to book a TaKeTiNa workshop for an existing group, for a specific topic or purpose or for a special group of participants?

Do you need a TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teacher with a special training or specific experience?

Please contact us for these or other questions. Just click here.

"I feel so happy and whole with me and the world. Carried by the rhythm."